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The Life Series x Inside Out Collaboration

1. What inspired you to start The Life Series and what is your mission? What’s the bigger vision for the future of The Life Series?

It started organically from a conversation during one of our church services where a few young adults in the latter stages of courtship were intrigued to find out what marriage truly involved rather than a diluted synopsis provided by their parents/ aunties etc. We decided to start "Life After The Dress" with another couple which then birthed Life Series during the pandemic to venture into other areas of life that our community face with open conversations via Zoom. The Life Series mission is to educate and train by creating an honest platform addressing issues that may not seem "glamorous" but are vital to navigating through life even if there are generational differences. Bigger Vision for the future...good question...ummm give me a couple of minutes to get back to you on this (only joking). Our vision for the future is to create a two prong service involving "Advisory/Consulting" and "Educational Outreach". 2. What have you got in store for us? Any hints about future events?

2021 is going to be packed with amazing events. We have already covered budgeting; half way through creating income streams and its only April. We have invited experts in the field of mortgage brokering/underwriting, Property, Business start-up, end of life financial planning, Marriage/ relationships to name a few. Follow us on @The_LifeSeries on Instagram to keep up to date with all our offerings.

3. What can people expect from the Inside Out and Life Series collaboration? What are you guys looking forward to the most about this collaboration? Understanding the psychological side of managing finances and major life decisions. As they say "There is no progress without good HEALTH"! 4. What do The Life Series team do to take care of their Mental Health? It's a combination of things; Faith, mentorship and taking time away from our environments. We also have informal meetings to just catch up with what's going on in each other's lives and how we can support each other. 5. If you could eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?

Sandra - Banku & Okra soup because it reminds me of my childhood in Ghana. Timothy - Mixed meat platter... necessary for life! Seraphina - Red pea soup as its nutrient based as it has a nostalgic feeling attached to it. Okemute - Ogbono Soup, garri with fish platter as it's always been a meal that my mother made on special occasions. 6. If time and money wasn't an issue, what is one thing you would love to do?

Sandra - Visit a Buddist Temple and mediate. Timothy - Travel the world Okemute & Seraphina - Ministry based travel around the world. 7. Any last words that you want the Inside Out Family to know?

Knowledge should not only be shared within, but requires partnerships and networks to create a more holistic community.

The Life Series on Insttagram: @The_Lifeseries

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